The Life and Times of Tony LaMantia

A chronicle of my life...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Well, sort of...

Two of the best friends that I have ever had, brought Evan ANTHONY into the world on July 4th, 2006. Welcome little guy!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

To Know God is to Love God!

Thought of the moment.
Christianity is not a state of mind.
It is not a place.
It is not a time of your life.
It is a relationship.
It is a companionship with Christ.

Often people marvel at the spiritual depth in a child's comment. The understanding in a young person that is so often lost with his/her innocence. Why is that? Why do we get dumber before we get smarter? My guess is that a child find comfort in three things and two only give temporary comfort. Food, Sleep, and Companionship. Of course, there is the clean diaper thing, but for the sake of keeping it applicable to us I will leave that out. A child that is tired, hungry, sick, in pain, lonely, or scared, knows exactly what to do. Find the person that brings them comfort and protects them. That is why often all it takes is for someone to put their finger in a babies clutching grasp to bring them comfort. Shouldn't that be the same for us. Why are we always trying to fix things on our own. Why do we talk about how hard the Christian Life is. It is hard because we choose to remove ourselves from the embrace of God. The reason that there is no pain and suffering and tears and sickness in heaven is not because God made heaven that way. He made Earth that way. Man brought a curse on earth. It is that way because we will be in the continual presence of God! Exciting stuff!