The Life and Times of Tony LaMantia

A chronicle of my life...

Friday, August 25, 2006

His Hand.

This may Sound very cliche, but that is ok. You may have heard it a million times, and that would be ok too. Not too terribly worried about that, but I am rally enjoying the thought that was expressed in a song I just heard on an airplane on my way to my connection in Atlanta tonight. The song said. I want to hold the hand that holds the world. That is an awesome thought. You know, sayings like... Hold the hand of God, or resting in His embrace, or feeling His hand, these phrases all indicate a physical presence of something spiritual.

While I was in England I had the opportunity to speak to a man that challanged my faith. He was a mocker in Hyde Park. He told me that my spiritual life is nothing but a mental concept that effected my emotions and thus gave it the feel of reality. While He failed to convince me of this, and I had the opportunity to plant seeds in him, the whole conversation did convince me of one thing. God is way more than spiritual. God is more that emotional. God is more than a mental conseption. God is. God is physical FIRST. God was the first hard physical anything.

Only something physical can effect something else physical. His hand calms the storm. His hand can oppress the wicked. His hand can uphold me. David said IN HIS HAND are the depths of the earth. His hand raises the dead and heals the blind. So there you have it. The proof is in the puddin'. His hand is everywhere, and I want to hold that hand, and never let it go.


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