The Life and Times of Tony LaMantia

A chronicle of my life...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hurricane Ernesto

Yesterday all day in the office I heard the firmiliar words. The words I hear every year about this time. Are we in the cone of uncertainty? Is this hurricane going to hit our area. Do we close down the office tomorrow? Do we put shutters up? What is going to happen?

There is comfort in knowing who is in control of this beast. We did cancel work, but then no one really expected the storm to be too fierce here, so we got the call this morning to come in.

Hurricanes always facinate me. It is as if they have a mind of there own, or God is randomly tracing his finger over his globe causeing winds to increase and decrease, and atmoshperic pressures to rise and drop. You never know what direction they will turn. You don't know if they will speed up or slow down. You really have no clue what they are doing. So you sit and wait until the last minute trying to decide if you should evacuate or not.

I guess all of this is just making me glad to know that I am safe in Him. Knowing that, kinda makes a hurricane fun, in an adventures exciting sort of way.


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