The Life and Times of Tony LaMantia

A chronicle of my life...

Monday, August 14, 2006


Why does He love me? Why would He hold me in any esteem? What is it that causes Him to know me and love me? I so frequently turn my back on Him and yet he pours out his blessings on me. Even when I think He has my attention, I know that I am glancing away to see something else. Being sidetracked by the very thing that I know will pull me away from Him.

Pull my face close to yours. Touch my head to your own. Allow me to see nothing but your eyes. Show me your glory as you showed your glory to Moses on the mountain. Expose my innermost being and meld it with yours. Make me a perfect reflection of you. Bury me inside of your presence so that no one sees me through you. Bind my heart to yours and yours to mine so that every beat is in unison. Make your very fingerprints mine. Make your identity mine so that I do not exist apart from you. Stretch me. Pull me. Mold me into something fit for the use of the King of kings and Lord of lords, but used in the lives of the sick and poor. Never allow me to become lax and accustom to the wonders you daily reveal to me. Lord, there are none like you. NOTHING compares to you. You are before the alpha and after the omega. You are before the beginning and even before that! You will be forever and I will be with you! I will be resting at your feet with nothing more to do that to glorify you! To fellowship with those that want nothing more to do than to bring your name honor and glory! Lord, fill me with you and make that moment now! Let me begin to honor you with a fraction of the singing and dancing that I will do in YOUR kingdom. In that Great City in Heaven. In your presence!

Your Child!
Me, Tony.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying!! :)

8/16/2006 09:24:00 PM  
Blogger Tony LaMantia said...

Thanks! I really appreciate it.

8/16/2006 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey BB! I'll be praying for you. Drop me an email sometime so I can give you my phone #.

8/17/2006 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok this ones definatly on the list too:)

9/21/2008 08:00:00 PM  

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