The Life and Times of Tony LaMantia

A chronicle of my life...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Thanksgiving Weekend

I have been trying to finish this post for a while. and I think I finally have.

I have decided I am crazy. I have been crazy about several things in my life. I am crazy about Brownies, Pizza, Italian food, any food really. I am crazy about hockey, and friends, and mountains, and skiing. But never in my life have I been as crazy about anything as I am about Jamie Yelverton. Crazy enough to drive through the night to see her at her grandparents home. Crazy enough to spend hours and hours on the phone a week talking to her. Crazy enough to let her keep my favorite hoody sweatshirt!!!! Yes folks, I am crazy! But I love it! I love being crazy for this girl.

Thanksgiving weekend, I had the awesome opportunity to spend some time with Jamie and her family in the panhandle of Florida. We ate and played games and ate and shot skeet and ate and slept and ate and watched football and ate and ate and ate. We even had the unique opportunity to eat Dobbs BBQ. (The spelling of that might not be right, but it wouldn't be the first thing that isn't quite right about the place.)

You learn alot about a person through their family. Jamie has the greatest family. Her grandfather (Pawpaw - pronounced quickly with a slight Georgian Southern Draw - If it is pronounced too slowly, you sound like you are trying too hard and somebody is bound to chuckle) loves the Lord, loves his wife, his family, his church, and about anything else there is on Gods green earth to love. What an example of a man of God. Jamie's grandmother (Mawmaw - rhymns with Pawpaw) doesn't say but what needs to be said. It will make you think, or bust a gut laughing. One of the two, sometimes both. Jamie's dad is what I want to be when I grow up. A hard working man that loves the Lord and his family. No one would dare mess with his family for fear of the man who could knock you clean off the map, but is more likely to pray with you, cry with you when you cry, and give you the shirt off of his back.... in the middle of winter... during a blizzard... 200 miles from the nearest clothing store..(seriously!) Jamie's Mom is like no one I have ever met! She makes a mother hen or bear look neglegent and careless. She loves her daughters like her life depends on it. Sometimes I think it does. She loves to laugh and loves to entertain. She also knows her family better than they know themselves. She knows more than her family! She knows EVERYTHING. She amazes me! Jamie's Twin Sister and best friend Jenn (or as her father called her "little homey suemaker!") is like no other either. Sometimes Jenn and Jamie seem to have whole conversations without opening their mouths. They have something that I think few siblings share. Not to mention I think it is impossible to have the two of them in the same room without EVERYONE busting out laughing. Then there is Jenns husband "Pose for the picture, stay in your PJ's, sleep till noon, finish the eggs and sausage, slap ya on your back, Bill" I love him! He cracks me up and works hard with his business. Maybe too hard.

But honestly what makes all of these people so special to me is two things. They love the God that I love, and they love the girl that I love.


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